About Doctesk
Doctesk is a medical knowledge-sharing platform that utilizes artificial intelligence technology to connect clinicians and medical professionals with experts in their field. The platform allows users to submit cases and receive personalized assistance and guidance from experienced doctors and surgeons. The AI-powered matching system ensures that users are paired with the most relevant experts for their specific case, making it easier for them to access the information and support they need.

Welcome to Doctesk

About Us

At Doctesk, we believe that every medical professional should have access to the knowledge and expertise they need to provide the best possible care to their patients. That's why we've created a platform that connects clinicians and medical professionals with experienced doctors and surgeons who can offer personalized assistance and guidance.

Our AI-powered matching system ensures that users are paired with the most relevant experts for their specific case, making it easier for them to access the information and support they need.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower medical professionals with the knowledge and support they need to provide the best possible care to their patients. We believe that by connecting clinicians and medical professionals with experienced doctors and surgeons, we can help to improve patient outcomes and advance the field of medicine.

Our Team

Our team is made up of medical professionals, engineers, and technology experts who are passionate about using technology to improve healthcare. We are dedicated to developing innovative solutions that make it easier for medical professionals to access the information and support they need to provide the best possible care to their patients.

Our Product

Our product, Doctesk is a marketplace that uses artificial intelligence to help more than 270000 clinicians to get the right assistance from more than 7000 professors, retired doctors, and expert surgeons, just by introducing the medical case and our machine learning model will match them together. Also, we are developing a hardware called Doctesk OR, that will help to share live surgeries without the need for all the team and the material, and also will help to give surgical assistance.

Get in Touch

If you're a medical professional looking for assistance or an experienced doctor or surgeon who would like to offer your expertise to others, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact us at support@doctesk.com to learn more about how Doctesk can help you.